Reports (2,676,945)
Down tree limb
CLOSED #101005563477Case Invalid. Please call 3-1-1 directly to provide more information. There is not enough information to process this request. Thank you for contacting Boston 311.
Requests for Street Cleaning
Yard waste not picked up today
CLOSED #101005563479Resolved.
Speed bumps please, this part of Brighton needs it.
CLOSED #101005563474Case Resolved. We share your concerns about making the City’s streets safer, and we recently revised our speed hump program so neighborhoods can receive them more quickly. Everyone should have a safe street that they can navigate with ease and safety. Saybrook St. will be eligible for speed humps in the future, but they are not imminently planned in this first phase. We prioritize each phase based on the data available. We will continue to scale up our capacity as quickly as possible, but we understand that not being part of this first phase can be frustrating. Over the coming years, we will be bringing speed humps to nearly 400 miles of city streets, and it will take time to get this work done. We will continue to work to slow traffic and offer safety interventions across the City of Boston. We appreciate you sharing your feedback on your street and will include it as we continue expanding our program. To stay updated on the progress of your Street and any others in our program, visit our map at this link:
Abandoned Vehicle
Abandoned car has been here for weeks with tickets and not been towed
CLOSED #101005563473Case Noted. Please resubmit with vehicle plate, make and color.
Damaged Sign
Please put stop signs here, this intersection is broken and there are frequent crashes and near hits.
CLOSED #101005563472Case Noted. Murdoch Street has the right of way. Stop signs are installed for right of way access. Is there a sight distance issue? Are vehicles parking too close to the intersection? Thank you for contacting 311 and BTD.
Can we get some speed bumps here too? Motorists routinely speed up this residential street, BPD does nothing. They had to respond to yet another crash here. Actually stop signs will help too here.
CLOSED #101005563471Case Resolved. We share your concerns about making the City’s streets safer, and we recently revised our speed hump program so neighborhoods can receive them more quickly. Everyone should have a safe street that they can navigate with ease and safety. Both the streets you mentioned will be eligible for speed humps in the future, but they are not imminently planned in this first phase. We prioritize each phase based on the data available. We will continue to scale up our capacity as quickly as possible, but we understand that not being part of this first phase can be frustrating. Over the coming years, we will be bringing speed humps to nearly 400 miles of city streets, and it will take time to get this work done. We will continue to work to slow traffic and offer safety interventions across the City of Boston. We appreciate you sharing your feedback on your street and will include it as we continue expanding our program. To stay updated on the progress of your Street and any others in our program, visit our map at this link:
Residential Trash out Illegally
Saw many rats run from under here over the past several weeks.
CLOSED #101005563468Noted. Residents must go online and book an appointment using the Mattress Scheduler Application.
Requests for Street Cleaning
Please let state know there is broken glass and a large amount of trash on the ped bridge over mile marker 130
OPEN #101005563465 -
Poor Conditions of Property
Unkempt overgrown grass | Details: [overgrown and full of trash] Exact location: [back]
CLOSED #101005563467Noted. Ticket has been issued by code enforcement officer.
Needle Cleanup
across from ambulance bay | Needle Quantity: [More Than Three] Property Location Type: [Public]
CLOSED #101005563463Resolved. Needles recovered. CD.