Reports (177)
Item Price Missing
Constituent states none of the itmes in store have prices on them. | Store name/location: [Did you eat yet]
CLOSED #101005897062Case Noted. The store was not priced. The inspector dropped off the item pricing law and educated the manager on duty. We will go back in a few weeks to re-inspect.
Item Price Missing
Constituent reports no price tags on any items, also a cash register that shows two different prices when it rings upp. | Store name/location: [SKBS]
CLOSED #101005511552Case Noted. Inspector dropped off the law for item pricing and educated the store we will go back in 3-4 weeks and re-inspect the store.
Item Price Missing
Constituent reports no price tags on any of the items, When purchasing items the register shows two different prices. | Store name/location: [Tripple A grocery] When did this happen: [06/11/2024]
CLOSED #101005511544Case Noted. Inspector dropped off the item pricing law and educated the store we will go back in 3-4 weeks to re-inspect.
Item Price Missing
disposal tax | Store name/location: [Simco's] Details: [Constituent states Simco's is charging a 'disposal tax', requests it is investigated, states it doesn't seem right.]
CLOSED #101005343296Case Resolved. Owner is working with the cash register installer to remove the disposal tax off the receipt. It is now legal in Massachusetts. The fee was put on their by mistake or past practices of another State.
Item Price Missing
all products, liquor and groceried | Store name/location: [K and Eighth, 605 E Eighth] When did this happen: [02/27/2024] Details: [products have no prices. There are some prices on the shelves but they don't line up with the products. At the register the person charges whatever he feels like.]
CLOSED #101005339629Case Resolved. Inspector went by the store and dropped off the item pricing law and educated the manager. we will go back in a few weeks to follow up.
Item Price Missing
I want to report that this establishment "Chamas Mart INC" located at 198 Humboldt Ave, Dorchester, MA 02121. Does it not set prices for all the products it sells? Besides, I think they don't go through proper sanitation because it smells very bad. It must be infected with Rats because it smells very bad. | Store name/location: [Chamas Mart Inc]
CLOSED #101005338165Case Resolved. When the inspector arrived the owner was in the process of pricing the store. The inspector walked around with the owner an educated them on unit tags and item pricing. A copy of the law was left. We will go back in a few weeks to check their progress.
Item Price Missing
Resident bought food at the dollor store on 12-12-24. | Store name/location: [Dollar store] Product size: [Bitter honey] When did this happen: [02/12/2024] Details: [The resident reports the food item was bad and the store refused to take food back.The store states they return food and its not posted.Resident had the receipt.]
CLOSED #101005295001Resolved. After following up on a complaint at 995 Blue Hill Ave. (Family Dollar) of a guest who stated that they bought Bit O' Honey and they were bad my findings were as follows: I met the manager on duty at that time and made her aware of the situation. I then checked the isle where the specific item was sold. The product was not damaged/adulterated and were not passed the expiration date. I then took a picture of the food item which I have attached to this report. I then followed up with a full sanitary inspection where I cited 1 priority, 1 priority foundation and 2 core violations with a re-inspection scheduled for 2/27/2024.
Item Price Missing
All products | Store name/location: [Adams Convenience Store] Details: [No prices on any products]
CLOSED #101005242495Case Resolved. educated owner and left a copy of the law.
Item Price Missing
Constituent states the restaurant provided the bill and was charged a convenience fee without any knowledge of what it was for. Constituent asked the manager about the fee and was told to pay cash if she didn't want to pay it. Constituent states there is no sign for a convenience fee posted anywhere. | Store name/location: [2Twenty2] When did this happen: [11/09/2023]
CLOSED #101005161639Case Resolved. They were educated that they must post the credit card fee on the menu. They are in the process of ordering new menus and putting it on there.