Reports (24,429)
New Tree Requests
Replant due to tree removal. Site id 39785. | Do you reside at this location: [Yes] Is this a request for multiple street trees: [No]
OPEN #101005902070 -
New Tree Requests
ON SIDE, (WHITE OAK RD) IN MEDIAN. Replant due to tree removal. Site id 70. | Do you reside at this location: [Yes] Is the request for a sidewalk tree or a private lawn planting: [Sidewalk tree] Is this a request for multiple street trees: [No]
OPEN #101005902069 -
New Tree Requests
Replant due to tree removal. Site id 12394. | Do you reside at this location: [Yes] Is this a request for multiple street trees: [No]
OPEN #101005902066 -
New Tree Requests
Empty pit identified in the field. Site id 31430.
OPEN #101005901662 -
New Tree Requests
The Tree that was in front of our house and died and fell down. There is a little bit of a stump there, but we request that it be replaced. Thanks. | Reside at this location: [Yes] Owner of the property: [Yes] Sidewalk tree or a private lawn plantings: [Sidewalk tree] Multiple street trees: [No]
OPEN #101005900383 -
New Tree Requests
2 empty tree pits identified in the field. | Do you reside at this location: [Yes] Is this a request for multiple street trees: [No]
OPEN #101005900220 -
New Tree Requests
*** ID 8147. SH*** I'd like to request a tree to be planted outside my apartment! There's currently a stump there, so I'm assuming there used to be a tree. If one could be planted there this spring that would be wonderful.
OPEN #101005899476 -
New Tree Requests
On side. New tree request due to removal. Site ID: 17485
OPEN #101005896113 -
New Tree Requests
Request for sidewalk tree planting at sidewalk 408 Belgrade Ave West Roxbury on both sides of property. Thanks.
OPEN #101005885516 -
New Tree Requests
2 empty pits identified in the field.
CLOSED #101005875128Case Noted. Duplicate of 101005874744.