Reports (1,782)

  • Abandoned Building

    20 N Munroe Ter, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    What is the nature of the problem: [A constituent called about a house that has the door wide open in the front, broken windows, unshoveled sidewalks as of now, and in the summer the grass is overgrown. The building has been abandoned for around 3 years now, and the caller states the property owner does nothing to take care of it. He is requesting someone to come and take a look.]

    OPEN #101005871904
  • Abandoned Building

    282 Centre St, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    The house at 282 Centre St. is clearly abandoned and has been for at least the past 20 years. Increasingly, it is a neighborhood eyesore. The fence is broken, trash accumulates, windows are broken and boarded up, etc. Clearly someone owns it. I reported abandoned cars on the lot several years ago and they were eventually taken away. Can anything be done to improve this situation? |

    OPEN #101005864235
  • Abandoned Building

    96 Moreland St, Roxbury, Ma, 02119

    What is the nature of the problem: [constiuent called stating that the abandodned building debris are falling off landing on her propperty her porch to be exact. due to the bad weather recently the abandoned house conditions are getting worse]

    CLOSED #101005836672

    Noted. Will refer property to the building department.

  • Abandoned Building

    Intersection Of Gove St And Frankfort St, East Boston, Ma

    The sidewalks along the abandoned Church buildings on the East side of Frankfort Street between Gove and Maverick are icy and slippery, no-one has cleaned them. We have elderly in the neighborhood who need the sidewalks to go shopping. Thank you! |

    CLOSED #101005830393

    We apologize for the time it has taken to respond to this case. We now consider this service request closed. If this issue persists, please resubmit your case or call 311 to speak to an agent. Thank you, Boston 311.

  • Abandoned Building

    48 Goldsmith St, Jamaica Plain, Ma, 02130

    What is the nature of the problem: [The constituent called about an abandoned house that has broken windows, peeling paint and rodents coming in and out of the building.]

    CLOSED #101005823458

    Noted. Property is not abandoned, but there is sign of negligence. Rodent activity not found.

  • Abandoned Building

    15 Playstead Rd, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    What is the nature of the problem: [constiuent called stating that there is a tree on there property with live electrical wires stated that because the tree is planted on the house next dooor there isnt anything that eversoucre can do about it unbtil they can get incontact with the owners of the abandoned house. would like for isd to further assist]

    CLOSED #101005819606

    Invalid. This complaint has nothing to do with Inspectional Services department Environmental Department.

  • Abandoned Building

    18 Worthington St, Mission Hill, Ma, 02120

    What is the nature of the problem: [Abandoned house with lots of rodent activity.]

    CLOSED #101005791553

    Resolved. No ARS found on premise nor abutters.

  • Abandoned Building

    675 Columbia Rd, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    What is the nature of the problem: [Constituent states there is an abandoned house that he believes has squatters. Constituent is requesting the property owner be contacted.]

    OPEN #101005789634
  • Abandoned Building

    Intersection Of Harrishof St And Harold St, Dorchester, Ma

    What is the nature of the problem: [Const. states there is an old synagogue that burned down at this intersection, states the building has been abandonned for a while and recently he noticed the door open and homeless people going in and out, worried another fire may start. Requesting building be locked down.]

    OPEN #101005783033
  • Abandoned Building

    69 Averton St, Roslindale, Ma, 02131

    What is the nature of the problem: [constituent called stating that the boards on the window is coming off animals are flying in and coming in the building, stated that owners havent been ther for over a year.]

    OPEN #101005777373



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