Reports (1,208)
Illegal Posting of Signs
Constituent reports permits that are posted have the dates rubbed off, states it is allowing a commercial truck to park in area and take spots away from residents. |
CLOSED #101005862683Noted. No evidence found unable to issue citation.
Illegal Posting of Signs
Constituent states contractors are posting signs on sidewalk that have no dates or designation on them just informing that others can't park | Type of posting: [Other] Exact location: [On sidewalk in front of property]
CLOSED #101005861491Resolved. No code enforcement violation found.
Illegal Posting of Signs
Constituent reports there are stickers all over the "poles" in this area. Constituent reports its was around 1,100 Dorchester Ave. | Type of posting: [Stickers] Exact location: ["Poles"] Sponsor details: [Unknown]
CLOSED #101005858532Noted. No evidence found for a code enforcement violation at this time. Signs has been placed in for collections.
Illegal Posting of Signs
Constituent reports that there are various "We Buy Diabetic Supplies 857-244-1499" signs posted throughout Mattapan Square. | Type of posting: [Posters] Exact location: [street light] Sponsor details: [Diabetic Supplies Advertisement]
CLOSED #101005852847Resolved. Signs removed.
Illegal Posting of Signs
Const reports there is a street occupancy permit posted on a street light near this address that has not yet been approved by BTD. Called BTD to verify permit number. States the permiit is listed for 'pole cable and fiber lines'. Requesting removal. | Type of posting: [Other] Exact location: [street lamp pole] Sponsor details: [Mirra Company]
CLOSED #101005839590Resolved. No code enforcement violation found at this time.
Illegal Posting of Signs
Trump sign put up on public fence | Type of posting: [Other]
CLOSED #101005824148Noted. After reviewing the property, no code enforcement violation was found regarding the sign on the fence, Private property.
Illegal Posting of Signs
Constituent states that there is a sign in the middle of the street here without a permit | Type of posting: [Posters] Exact location: [Sandwich board] Sponsor details: [Food pantry in the area]
CLOSED #101005820714Noted. No code enforcement violation was found at this time clear.
Illegal Posting of Signs
Constituent states that there is a sign at this location that has been put on the walkway that obstructs the view of cars being able to see pedestrians | Type of posting: [Posters] Exact location: [On the fence on the pedestrian crosswalk] Sponsor details: [Poster is foor alcohol]
CLOSED #101005820190Resolved. No code enforcement violation found at this time.
Illegal Posting of Signs
Constituent reports a fake no parking permit on a cone to block parking spots. | Type of posting: [Handbills] Exact location: [Cone] Sponsor details: [0ccu-1585121]
CLOSED #101005816694Resolved. No violation found at time of inspection. Permits are valid until the 19th.
Illegal Posting of Signs
Constituent states that this has been a recurring issue in the area about signs being posted on street lights illegally. States that the signs are advertising the moving of the business elsewhere. States that they have been warned to move and do, but then come back a short time later | Type of posting: [Posters] Exact location: [On the street light] Sponsor details: [Colonial Trading]
CLOSED #101005810223Resolved. No code enforcement violation found at this time.