Reports (43,883)

  • Rodent Activity

    69 Saint Botolph St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Rodent activity in the rear of the property.

    CLOSED #101005772929

    Noted. Violations found.

  • Rodent Activity

    83 Saint Botolph St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Burrows in rear of property.

    CLOSED #101005772928

    Noted. Violations found.

  • Rodent Activity

    91 Saint Botolph St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Burrows in the rear of the property.

    CLOSED #101005772927

    Noted. Violations found.

  • Rodent Activity

    35 Tyler St, Boston, Ma, 02111

    Rats everywhere. It’s a living nightmare trying to walk down the street in this area. Please address.

    OPEN #101005772769
  • Rodent Activity

    37 Kerwin St, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Number of rats: [6] Rat bites: [No] Rats in the house: [No] Rats outside of property: [Yes]

    OPEN #101005772750
  • Rodent Activity

    31 Dunreath St, Roxbury, Ma, 02119

    Large RATS running up and down the sidewalk towards my home. Not the first time seeing them. Need bait boxes put down. They appear to be coming from the house a few doors down.

    OPEN #101005772662
  • Rodent Activity

    Intersection Of Erie Pl And School St, Jamaica Plain, Ma

    Rat issue on School Street near Franklin Park. Today alone I have seen 8 rats running around the house and the problem is getting worse on the street.

    OPEN #101005772655
  • Rodent Activity

    Intersection Of Mackin St And Waverly St, Brighton, Ma

    Image submitted with report

    Rat sighting. please check these houses for rata

    OPEN #101005772652
  • Rodent Activity

    167 Marlborough St, Boston, Ma, 02116

    Heavy rodent activity in public alley 418. I just parked my car and saw 5 large rats running around.

    OPEN #101005772629
  • Rodent Activity

    48 Coffey St, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    Mice/rats outside of our building next to construction site is getting out of hand.

    OPEN #101005772617



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