Reports (488)

  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    70 Charles St, Boston, Ma, 02114

    Problem: [constituent states that street light was removed because of construction and he is requesting it be reinstalled. He is also requesting a call back]

    OPEN #101005680903
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    Intersection Of Hebron St And Livermore St, Mattapan, Ma

    Problem: [Const. reports the entire length of Livermore St. needs their lights upgraded. She states the street lights are all dim, making it dangerous for pedestrians walking by at night time and children walking to school in the morning. When the lights are working as they are now, they do not assist in increasing the visibility for those passing by.]

    OPEN #101005679423
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    34 Thetford Ave, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Problem: [Constituent states street light that was removed, requesting for another street light to be placed back.]

    OPEN #101005668981
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    535 Newbury St, Boston, Ma, 02215

    Problem: [Constituent states: "Please replace street light at 535 Newbury Street."]

    OPEN #101005605494
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    1 Hanson St, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Problem: [Constituent reporting a lamp post attached to their building that is rusty, bent, and broken, but has a relatively new LED light. Wondering if the lamp post can be replaced.]

    OPEN #101005583074
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    Intersection Of Exeter St And Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Ma

    Problem: [With regard to this case … when you repaired the light you used a fixture unlike the other back bay lights. I called and you promised to replace when you had some of the appropriate fixtures. Can you do that now? Thx. Please reference case #101003647687]

    OPEN #101005513614
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    7 Fairland St, Roxbury, Ma, 02119

    Problem: [Constituent states the lights on the entirety of this street are so dim and is requesting brighter lights. There are a limited amount of lights since it is a small side street but with them not being so bright there is an increase in theft on this street.]

    OPEN #101005505466
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    1141 Bennington St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    Problem: [Constituent states the street light were knocked over a few months ago and is requesting the street light be installed]

    OPEN #101005421802
  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    14 Sheafe St, Charlestown, Ma, 02129

    update 4/9/24 UPDATE the pole that is in question is the CITY OF BOSTON STREET LIGHT POLE (WOODEN) It has moved is rotted at base and poses a risk to residents, animals and property, etc. IT IS NOT THE NSTAR POLE. They were sent needlessly. Public works for the city need to handle, replace. Problem: [101005398690- Informed constituent that the pole is secure based on the previous report. Constituent is requesting that the pole is replaced completely. Constituent is also requesting a call for whenever the work is being done]

    CLOSED #101005399724

    Case Resolved. Old lightbpole was removed and new light was added to the wooden pole //WL.

  • Upgrade Existing Lighting

    60 Mystic St, 1, Charlestown, Ma, 02129

    Problem: [Been waiting 10 yrs for light pole,Base was is installed about a month age and now the new sidewalks were poured and cover the base. FYI]

    CLOSED #101005376857

    Resolved. Complete.



Ticket Type

  • Upgrade Existing Lighting (Remove)