Reports (13,254)

  • Contractor Complaints

    Intersection Of W Newton St And Tremont St, Roxbury, Ma

    Type of Work: [Unknown] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [Yes] Date when this occurred: [01/18/2025] Time when this occurred: [13:43] Please specify details.: [Constituent states that construction workers are putting barriers down on crosswalks and completely blocking access to W Newton St, constituent states they have permits for the property they are working at but not to shut down street. Constituent states that work site also has no traffic detail on location. Constituent is concerned that access for emergency vehicles is compromised on W Newton due to work crew not operating within their permit]

    OPEN #101005864742
  • Contractor Complaints

    Intersection Of E Berkeley St And Harrison Ave, Roxbury, Ma

    Type of Work: [Utility Excavation Work] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [Yes] Date when this occurred: [01/18/2025] Time when this occurred: [08:02] Please specify details.: [Constituent wants to report loud noise from the work zone. She stated that there is banging and jack hammering right outside her window.]

    OPEN #101005864450
  • Contractor Complaints

    390 Harrison Ave, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    CLOSED #101005864444

    Case Invalid. bad address.

  • Contractor Complaints

    590 Blue Hill Ave, 1, Dorchester, Ma, 02121

    Type of Work: [Other] If Other, please specify: [Sidewalk repair] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [No] Date when this occurred: [01/17/2025] Time when this occurred: [15:05] Please specify details.: [Constituent states that there was unmarked construction on the sidewalk in the area that led to them stepping in wet asphault. States that this was not marked off at all]

    OPEN #101005864072
  • Contractor Complaints

    Intersection Of Mystic Ave And Dorrance St And Main St, Charlestown, Ma

    Type of Work: [Utility Excavation Work] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Please specify details.: [Constituent states there are crews working on the bridge but has caused huge potholes in the road near the worksite on main st before it hits dorrance st. Constituent is requesting crews get sent out to fill them because cars are being damaged]

    CLOSED #101005863705

    Noted. Case sent to contractor.

  • Contractor Complaints

    137 Peterborough St, 12, Boston, Ma, 02215

    Type of Work: [Unknown] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Are the contractors on-site: [NotSure] Date when this occurred: [01/17/2025] Time when this occurred: [04:18] Please specify details.: [Constituent reports there is construction work at this location.Constituent reports its very loud,constituent reports its coming from a utility company but unsure what utility company it is.]

    CLOSED #101005863512

    Resolved. We sincerely apologize for the disruption caused by the ongoing D'Allessandro Corp job. We fully understand how much the noise from the machinery can affect your daily life, and we want you to know that your concerns are important to us. We are actively reaching out to D'Allessandro Corp to address this issue. We recognize the challenges posed by the size of the machinery and the nature of the work being done, and we appreciate your understanding and patience as we work through this situation together. Thank you for bearing with us during this time.

  • Contractor Complaints

    Intersection Of Payson Rd And Hackensack Rd, Chestnut Hill, Ma

    Please specify details.: [Constituent requests information on what type of work is taking place on Hackensack Rd. States the road is being dug up and there are signs for No Parking thru 1/17.]

    CLOSED #101005863248

    Case Noted. Speed humps are being installed.

  • Contractor Complaints

    18 Tremont St, Boston, Ma, 02108

    Type of Work: [Unknown] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Other] If Other, please specify: [Shawmut construction] Date when this occurred: [01/16/2025] Time when this occurred: [14:08] Please specify details.: [Constituent states there have been multiple complaints and issues are still happening, Very Loud jack hammering and the building is shaking. 101005859854]

    CLOSED #101005863057

    Resolved. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the unexpected grade 1 gas leak emergency from the National Grid. We truly appreciate your feedback and are grateful that you took the time to bring this to our attention. We understand how distressing emergencies can be, especially when they arise without warning, and unfortunately, we are not always able to inform the public in advance. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this challenging time.

  • Contractor Complaints

    17 Savoy St, D 110, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Type of Work: [Other] If Other, please specify: [PWD] Name of Contractor/Utility working: [Unknown] Date when this occurred: [01/16/2025] Please specify details.: [Truck License: MB 2318 constituent reports repeated incidents of PWD truck idling on Savoy St. for hours while the driver is either on the phone or sleeping.]

    CLOSED #101005862876

    Noted. Thank you for the input. The operator will be notified.

  • Contractor Complaints

    17 Savoy St, D 110, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    CLOSED #101005862863

    Duplicate of Existing Case. replaced with case #101005862876.



Ticket Type

  • Contractor Complaints (Remove)