Reports (66,288)
Needle Cleanup
Another needle left in front of 1701 Washington St., Washington manner. A senior housing development. Where senior citizens live. Mass & Cass junkies shooting up in every nook and cranny in front of the building every single day and night.. What the hell is Michelle Wu doing about all this?!?! I guess she would be perfectly fine with her parents living in this place.
OPEN #101005866018 -
Needle Cleanup
Loads of needles on the sidewalk
OPEN #101005866006 -
Needle Cleanup
Hypodermic Needle on the sidewalk at 1200 Washington St. South End 02118
CLOSED #101005865844Resolved. Needle recovered. JT.
Needle Cleanup
68 W. Springfield St., South end. Garage ramp to residential building. At least five needles left behind by junkie denizens of Mass and Cass. This is really getting old. When is Michelle Wu going to do something about this?!?!
CLOSED #101005865536Resolved. 6 needles 5 dt recovered. JT.
Needle Cleanup
2-3 needles are located on Atlantic ave, right in front of the federal reserve building. On the sidewalk. Please try to remove asap. Thank you so much
CLOSED #101005865520Resolved. After thorough search was unable to find needles please resubmit with better information. JT.
Needle Cleanup
Needle in tree pit
CLOSED #101005865513Resolved. 1 syringe recovered by jg.
Needle Cleanup
CLOSED #101005865490Resolved. No syringe recovered at address resubmit sharps request jg.
Needle Cleanup
Needle on the curb next to 528 Mass Ave (close to the stairs of 530 Mass)
CLOSED #101005865473Resolved. After thorough search was unable to find needle please resubmit with better information. JT.
Needle Cleanup
CLOSED #101005865412Resolved. Resubmit this sharps request with a new address because the picture is not matching location jg.
Needle Cleanup
Needle and garbage pickup. It’s unfortunate that this continues to happen. This neighborhood deserves better! The open use of drugs is reprehensible. If this is the idea of healthcare, it’s a perverted idea. Look in the corner between the stairs and the convenience store and in the tree well for the needles. Maybe we can surpass last year’s total reported needles for the city. Sad. Very sad.
CLOSED #101005865410Resolved. 1 syringe recovered by jg.