Reports (8,628)
Streetlight Knock Downs
Street light or control box knocked down: [Street Light] Problem: [BPD reports an emergency vehicle, ambulance, struck a black street light inside the municipal lot across from Hyde park Branch Library located at 35 Harvard Ave. BPD reports no knock down but potential damage. BPD reports that street light is inside municipal lot across from a wooden utility pole with number 1935-71 and the dumpsters. Radioed PWD Street Lighting @ 2:46PM] Light blocking the street or sidewalk: [No] Wires exposed: [No]
CLOSED #101005897204Resolved. The Pole is solid and not in any dangerof falling, The bell shifted a little bit. I used a bar to set it back in place. Everything is fine.
Streetlight Knock Downs
Street light or control box knocked down: [Street Light] Problem: [Cement pole down behind the Toyota dealership at location.] Light blocking the street or sidewalk: [Yes] Wires exposed: [No]
CLOSED #101005875456Resolved. Picked up damaged pole and made safe DP JP SP.
Streetlight Knock Downs
Street light or control box knocked down: [Street Light] Problem: [BPD reported that there is a street light down on Freeport St by the Toyota building. Partially blocking the street. Notified Street lighting]
CLOSED #101005875452Resolved. Picked up damaged pole and made safe DP JP SP.
Streetlight Knock Downs
Pole got hit by a car and gas line is broke, National grid is on the way to shut gas off, when the gas line is fixed it will need a new fixture.
CLOSED #101005873170Case Invalid. no eform.
Streetlight Knock Downs
Street light or control box knocked down: [Street Light] Problem: [Street lighting notified at 1:03] Light blocking the street or sidewalk: [Yes] Wires exposed: [Yes]
OPEN #101005872899 -
Streetlight Knock Downs
CLOSED #101005872895Case Invalid. no eform.
Streetlight Knock Downs
Street light or control box knocked down: [Control Box] Problem: [Street light pole box on base .Panel door open] Control box door open or missing: [Other] If Other, please explain: [Notified On call Henry] Control box making noise: [No] If Yes, please describe: [Street light bottom]
CLOSED #101005872106Resolved. I close and made but this is a Verizon Wifi pole.
Streetlight Knock Downs
Street light or control box knocked down: [Control Box] Problem: [Constituent states that the control box at this intersection is currently making odd noises with the street lights flickering in the area as well. Street lighting contacted at 5:08 pm] Control box making noise: [Yes] If Yes, please describe: [Constituent states that the box is making a clicking noise corresponding with the lights]
CLOSED #101005870926Resolved. Replace photo eye.
Streetlight Knock Downs
Street light or control box knocked down: [Street Light] Problem: [BFD reports pole down on car in front of this address.] Light blocking the street or sidewalk: [Yes]
CLOSED #101005868252Case Resolved. Picked up one KO'd 26' concrete post #018034 with single #37 LED standard fixture w photo cell. Live Eversource service cut away by PG and area made safe. AC, PG, JH, EP.
Streetlight Knock Downs
Street light or control box knocked down: [Street Light] Problem: [BFD reports street light down .Notified Street lighting] Light blocking the street or sidewalk: [Yes]
CLOSED #101005868037Case Resolved. Picked up one KO'd 24' concrete post with single #20 LED standard with photo cell. Jacked out base and removed high stump. Backfilled area and made safe. NOTE: Eversource service is energized and cut in pull box. AC, PG, JH, EP.