Reports (1,973)
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
Constituent states the boat has been left here for 5 years, it appears unsteady | Exact location: [front]
CLOSED #101005679258Noted. Was cited for 2 cars illegally parked in rear yard.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
Large flatbed truck posing safety hazrd for drivers and pedestrians | Exact location: [Corner of Ferndale and Southern Ave]
OPEN #101005675810 -
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
Ford van brown | License Plate Info: [NY plates 92652NC in front windshield] Exact location: [Parked in 2 hour parking on the street for a month]
OPEN #101005648519 -
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
constituent called stated that there is an abandoned car on city property . stated that it has been there for a while with no movement , stated that because it is city property they want to know why is the abandon car there, would like for further assistance |
CLOSED #101005641056Noted. No code enforcement violation found at this time.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
Constituent states construction trucks and landscapers are parking on the peoples front lawns and blocking sidewalk access for long periods of time everyday. Constituent is requesting someone tell them they can't block sidewalk access. | Exact location: [Front yard and Sidewalk]
CLOSED #101005634949Noted. No code enforcement violation was found at this time sidewalk is clear.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
CLOSED #101005633137Case Invalid.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
constituent states there is an abandoned veichle near the house at this location. there is a sign on it saying its abandoned but it has been there for a while now. | License Plate Info: [ah32828] Exact location: [front]
OPEN #101005628702 -
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
constituent states there is an abandoned trailor at this location | License Plate Info: [unknown] Exact location: [front]
OPEN #101005627852 -
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
Constituent states that there is a car parked on their side yard | License Plate Info: [3SRW88] Exact location: [Side Yard]
CLOSED #101005627055Noted. No citation issued at this time upon arrival.
Parking on Front/Back Yards (Illegal Parking)
car parked in rear, cream colored sedan. This property has been cited previously. No driveway to legal parking space | Exact location: [rear]
CLOSED #101005614168Noted. Ticket has been issued by code enforcement officer.