Reports (1,959)
Illegal Auto Body Shop
What is the nature of the problem: [Constituent states that these resident use the street to do work on their cars, they do not have a permit and they block the street. They are located across from the address near the park.]
CLOSED #101005861168Noted. No violation found upon arrival at location at this time.
Illegal Auto Body Shop
What is the nature of the problem: [The auto shop at the listed address is parking multiple vehicles on the street, and taking up parking for other constituents]
OPEN #101005861033 -
Illegal Auto Body Shop
What is the nature of the problem: [The resident reports cars are be repaired @ 73 Milton Ave. Fixing cars all day long and there is oil all over the street.This is on going problem on the street there no parking cars lined up to be repaired.]
CLOSED #101005859874Noted. No evidence found for a code enforcement violation at this time.
Illegal Auto Body Shop
What is the nature of the problem: [Constituent states that a nearby Auto-Body Shop, Fine Line Auto Repair on Bowdoin St, is working on a car near their address on Tovar St. Constituent states car has been getting work done on its for a week]
CLOSED #101005858251Case Noted. auto inspector grant is monitoring the area.
Illegal Auto Body Shop
What is the nature of the problem: [Constituent is reporting that the body shop is working after hours around 11pm. Please help with this.]
CLOSED #101005839149Case Resolved. Jan 4 I went by twice tonight and there was not any work being done. I’ll keep an eye on it and let you know if I find anything. Joseph DeVito Sergeant - B3.
Illegal Auto Body Shop
What is the nature of the problem: [Const. states there is an unlicensed auto body shop at this location]
CLOSED #101005819843Resolved. No work being done on any vehicles at this time. No code enforcement violation.
Illegal Auto Body Shop
What is the nature of the problem: [Constituent would like to be called back directly by a member of the ISD Environmental Division about the ongoing issue of the auto body shop working after hours at this address. States that they do not have an email and would like to be called directly about the issue]
CLOSED #101005819044Resolved. Went into the shop and spoke with the owner. The shop was licensed and we don't have set hours for autoshops they can operate into the night as long as they are not violating any noise ordinances after 9pm and if they are being loud late night they can call the police for a noise complaint. The shop owner told me that he doesn't work late into the night . I called the constituent Marta Moore at the number giving but it went to voicemail and I left a voicemail informing her that there are no set hours of operation and that she can call me back if she wanted to discuss further.
Illegal Auto Body Shop
What is the nature of the problem: [Constituent states that the auto body shop at this address regularly works at late hours. Constituent states the auto body works until 11pm and the hours are supposed to be until 5 pm. Constituent is putting in multiple cases but there is no resolution.]
CLOSED #101005816502Resolved. This is a duplicate conplaint i just went and resolved the original complait too . I Went into the shop and spoke with the owner. The shop was licensed and we don't have set hours for autoshops they can operate into the night as long as they are not violating any noise ordinances after 9pm and if they are being loud late night they can call the police for a noise complaint. The shop owner told me that he doesn't work late into the night . I called the constituent Marta Moore at the number giving but it went to voicemail and I left a voicemail informing her that there are no set hours of operation and that she can call me back if she wanted to discuss further.
Illegal Auto Body Shop
What is the nature of the problem: [Constituent reports cars being cleaned and worked on.]
CLOSED #101005815101Resolved. No code enforcement violation found.
Illegal Auto Body Shop
What is the nature of the problem: [Constituent states that there is an old school black van with two cones behind them to block spaces and work on cars, please contact constituent.]
CLOSED #101005799154Noted. Will refer to code enforcement to monitor the problem. Any questions contact the inspector at