Reports (2,399)

  • Park Improvement Requests

    65 Ruggles St, Mission Hill, Ma, 02120

    Install no dogs allowed sign

    OPEN #101005902538
  • Park Improvement Requests

    125 Erie St, Dorchester, Ma, 02121

    Install no dogs allowed signs

    CLOSED #101005900696

    Resolved. Installed no dogs allowed signs.

  • Constituent is requesting that there be signs put up in the park warning people to have their dog on leash as to protect the animals that live there | Type of improvement: [Other] Affiliation type: [Constituent]

    CLOSED #101005897968

    Case Resolved. Thank you for your request. The park rules signs say to keep dogs on leashes.

  • constituent requests a more detailed 'NO SKATING' sign to keep ice skaters off the thin ice. Const. states the spring-fed pond is a safety hazard for drowning during winter months and signage doesn't address the dangers. | Type of improvement: [Other] Affiliation type: [Constituent]

    CLOSED #101005873174

    Resolved. Park rules signs are posted at each park. The Parks Dept is also not an enforcement agency and we cannot determine when ice is safe.

  • Park Improvement Requests

    230 Shawmut Ave, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Install sign

    CLOSED #101005868374

    Resolved. Installed no dog sign on playing field.

  • Park Improvement Requests

    Intersection Of Firth Rd And Florence St, Roslindale, Ma

    Install pet waste signs

    CLOSED #101005863606

    Resolved. Installed pet waste signs.

  • CLOSED #101005861853

    Case Invalid. No information provided.

  • New sign for swing gate hours needs to be fabricated - GATES CLOSE AT 8:30PM (see pic in notes of old sign). | Type of improvement: [Other] Affiliation type: [Constituent]

    OPEN #101005858715
  • The spinning feature is not working. Contracted services are needed for repair. | Type of improvement: [Play Equipment] Affiliation type: [Constituent]

    OPEN #101005856157
  • Park Improvement Requests

    34 Union St, Charlestown, Ma, 02129

    Image submitted with report

    Could someone inspect the walkways in this park

    OPEN #101005855647



Ticket Type

  • Park Improvement Requests (Remove)