Reports (1,369)
Tree in Park
The gardeners at the Penniman Community Garden are keen to have the London Plane Tree pruned. It drops branches in high winds and casts a fair amount of shade over the garden in mid morning hours. Would this be possible? | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Penniman Rd. CG]
OPEN #101005675853 -
Tree in Park
Constituent reports trees from park area are hanging over onto his property, requests they are pruned back. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Stonehill Playground]
OPEN #101005671123 -
Tree in Park
The 4 linden trees in the Park are a wonderful asset—but they are becoming quite overgrown and scraping against the roofs and walls of the abutters’ buildings. Is there any possibility of getting on the list for tree trimming? | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Bradford St. Play Area]
OPEN #101005647800 -
Tree in Park
CLOSED #101005647041Case Invalid. Eform did not load. New case 101005647042 created.
Tree in Park
Several trees in the park require pruning and removal of invasive plants that are choking them. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [No] Park: [Cassidy Playground]
OPEN #101005647042 -
Tree in Park
CLOSED #101005633308Case Invalid. Case 101005633324 created for the pruning of these trees.
Tree in Park
Constituent states that trees hovering over property from Lamson/Sumner Street park have not been pruned/trimmed. Constituent states that with all the rain and wind, it clogs the gutters and causes leaks in their bedrooms. Constituent would like trees pruned/trimmed. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Sumner and Lamson St. Playground]
OPEN #101005630096 -
Tree in Park
Tree on the seaver st side needs pruning | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Brophy Park]
CLOSED #101005626573Noted. Duplicate of existing case #101005487936 for the same pruning request.
Tree in Park
Constituent reported that there is a branch down on the tennis court. Const also stated that there is dangling branch near the tot lot | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [No] If No, please specify: [In the park on the tennis court] Park: [Byrne Playground]
CLOSED #101005625726Resolved. Hanging branches in play area removed by SH and ST. Downed branch on tennis court will be handled under case number 101005626135.
Tree in Park
Constituetn states there is a tree that is overhanging the basketball courts next to the joseph lee school. constituent states the tree is so overgrown you cant use half the court. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [No] If No, please specify: [next to the basketball court] Park: [Harambee Field]
CLOSED #101005622519Resolved. Pruned by the BPRD tree crew.