Reports (1,369)

  • Tree in Park

    30 Penniman Rd, Allston, Ma, 02134

    The gardeners at the Penniman Community Garden are keen to have the London Plane Tree pruned. It drops branches in high winds and casts a fair amount of shade over the garden in mid morning hours. Would this be possible? | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Penniman Rd. CG]

    OPEN #101005675853
  • Tree in Park

    18 Raldne Rd, Hyde Park, Ma, 02136

    Constituent reports trees from park area are hanging over onto his property, requests they are pruned back. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Stonehill Playground]

    OPEN #101005671123
  • Tree in Park

    16 Bradford St, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    The 4 linden trees in the Park are a wonderful asset—but they are becoming quite overgrown and scraping against the roofs and walls of the abutters’ buildings. Is there any possibility of getting on the list for tree trimming? | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Bradford St. Play Area]

    OPEN #101005647800
  • Tree in Park

    379 Chestnut Hill Ave, Brighton, Ma, 02135

    CLOSED #101005647041

    Case Invalid. Eform did not load. New case 101005647042 created.

  • Tree in Park

    379 381 Chestnut Hill Ave, Brighton, Ma, 02135

    Several trees in the park require pruning and removal of invasive plants that are choking them. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [No] Park: [Cassidy Playground]

    OPEN #101005647042
  • Tree in Park

    695 Columbia Rd, Dorchester, Ma, 02125

    CLOSED #101005633308

    Case Invalid. Case 101005633324 created for the pruning of these trees.

  • Tree in Park

    8 Hooten Ct, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    Constituent states that trees hovering over property from Lamson/Sumner Street park have not been pruned/trimmed. Constituent states that with all the rain and wind, it clogs the gutters and causes leaks in their bedrooms. Constituent would like trees pruned/trimmed. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Sumner and Lamson St. Playground]

    OPEN #101005630096
  • Tree in Park

    192 Webster St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    Tree on the seaver st side needs pruning | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [Yes] Park: [Brophy Park]

    CLOSED #101005626573

    Noted. Duplicate of existing case #101005487936 for the same pruning request.

  • Tree in Park

    23 Everett St, Dorchester, Ma, 02122

    Constituent reported that there is a branch down on the tennis court. Const also stated that there is dangling branch near the tot lot | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [No] If No, please specify: [In the park on the tennis court] Park: [Byrne Playground]

    CLOSED #101005625726

    Resolved. Hanging branches in play area removed by SH and ST. Downed branch on tennis court will be handled under case number 101005626135.

  • Tree in Park

    155 Talbot Ave, Dorchester, Ma, 02124

    Constituetn states there is a tree that is overhanging the basketball courts next to the joseph lee school. constituent states the tree is so overgrown you cant use half the court. | Is this a City owned tree situated on the sidewalk: [No] If No, please specify: [next to the basketball court] Park: [Harambee Field]

    CLOSED #101005622519

    Resolved. Pruned by the BPRD tree crew.



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