Reports (305,300)
Requests for Street Cleaning
Trash on sidewalk between portable toilets and dumpster.
OPEN #101005726688 -
Needle Cleanup
Needles across the street 149 Center St Roxbury Ma
OPEN #101005726686 -
Residential Trash out Illegally
Toilet still out at 10-14 Union Park Street. Whoever responded to the last submission did not go to the correct location and the toilet and trash are still there.
OPEN #101005726685 -
Needle Cleanup
Needle on the ground at the corner of Union park and Tremont
OPEN #101005726683 -
Needle Cleanup
Constituent is available for contact, and reports that there is a needle near the corner of Washington and Dade St near the service location. | Needle Quantity: [One] Property Location Type: [Public]
OPEN #101005726680 -
Broken Sidewalk
Many loose bricks, many missing
OPEN #101005726677 -
Missing Sign
Missing street sweeping sign.
OPEN #101005726675 -
Residential Trash out Illegally
Trash out illegally. Building has rat holes.
OPEN #101005726674 -
Illegal Parking
Tow zone parked illegally
OPEN #101005726673