Reports (614)
Install New Lighting
Problem: [Constituent states frederika street coming off of gallivan blvd is very dark. Constituent states there needs to be another light installed near the corner.]
OPEN #101005872645 -
Install New Lighting
Problem: [constituent states that a street light used to be at this location but was removed after it was damaged. She is requesting a new street light be installed]
CLOSED #101005855440Case Resolved. replaced 19foot concrete post with LED fixture and tie in //JH.
Install New Lighting
Problem: [The constituent, who lives near an elderly home, reports dim lighting, high crime, and many individuals with disabilities in the area. They request additional street lights for safety.]
OPEN #101005837005 -
Install New Lighting
CLOSED #101005837002Case Invalid. No eform.
Install New Lighting
Problem: [An ornamental street lamp post is missing at the following location: Providence St., off Berkeley St., behind the Park Square Building. The base of the post can be seen on the north sidewalk. Based on Google Street View it has been missing since 2018.]
OPEN #101005795657 -
Install New Lighting
Problem: [Constituent states about a year ago there was a street light that was removed from this location and never replaced. The nearest street light is about 150 feet away making this area of the street very dark. Asking if a new stret light can be installed in its place.]
CLOSED #101005777456Case Resolved. installed 24foot concrete post with standard arm and LED fixture tie in pull box feed is hot //JH.
Install New Lighting
Problem: [Constituent states the street light was taken down over two weeks and has not been replaced. Constituent states the street is now very dark.]
CLOSED #101005742903Case Resolved. Per contractor, New concrete pole has been installed (by others) 10/25/2024.
Install New Lighting
Problem: [Constituent would like to know if an additional light can be installed as this is a well known HIDE-OUT. States the current position of the light is facing towards the street, but there is need of an additional light facing the hide-out.]
OPEN #101005734949 -
Install New Lighting
Problem: [Constituent reports there is a street light at this location that has not worked in years.Constituent requests the street light be upgraded to a lantern. ***UPDATE 10/15: constituent called back to clarify, requests that light post is completely removed from private way]
OPEN #101005724399 -
Install New Lighting
Problem: [Constituent states there is a need for street light at the corner because it is very dark. Constituent states the corner is too dark and the other street lights are too far to light up.]
OPEN #101005705331