Reports (2,676,972)
Illegal Parking
Illegal double parking on N street at SB Catholic preschool
CLOSED #101005294449Case Noted. Thank you for reporting to 311. Boston Transportation actively patrols city streets and responds to as many parking enforcement related cases as possible. Should you need further assistance, we encourage you to call Boston 311 directly.
Poor Conditions of Property
Public alley 435 behind 145 Newbury
CLOSED #101005294447Noted. Overloaded dumpster in Alleyway, citation was issued.
Broken glass on street.
CLOSED #101005294448Resolved. Need better location nothing on sight.
Hello, This is Rachel Johnsen of Danvers Ford at 106 Sylvan Street Danvers, MA 01923. I'd like to inquire about how to jumpstart the process for our company to become a more integral part of the community by participating in the bids to provide vehicles for the City of Boston. As a family-owned business, we have maintained the integrity and trust of our customers for generations, serving guests whose parents and grandparents bought their first cars here with us. We have profound respect for the North Shore business owners we serve: from landscapers and arborists to construction and HVAC companies. Our SUV's, trucks and commercial vehicles are perfect for our community transportation leaders and law enforcement. We would love the opportunity to match our exceptional service with your driven team of change and growth. I believe this will be the start to a fruitful partnership. Thank you. | Case (SR) Type: [Miscellaneous] Referred To: [Boston 311]
CLOSED #101005294446Case Resolved. Procurement Department states: Received message and responded to constituent. 2/23/2024 at 9:07 am.
Requests for Street Cleaning
Lot of trash
CLOSED #101005294445Resolved. Barrel changed.
The crosswalk at the bottom of high Street across Hancock Street, is a major safety concern. I was almost run down in the middle of the road in the middle of the crosswalk two separate occasions, the most recent of which I was also threatened by two goons for exercising my pedestrian right of way | Case (SR) Type: [BPD: Traffic/Parking] Referred To: [POLICE: AREA C-11]
CLOSED #101005294444Case Noted. BPD states: I will pass this along to our traffic enforcement cars. -TG.
Illegal Parking
Truck no parking sticker, commercial vehicle with NH license plate. This truck is taking up parking spot.
CLOSED #101005294441Case Noted. Thank you for reporting to 311. Boston Transportation actively patrols city streets and responds to as many parking enforcement related cases as possible. Should you need further assistance, we encourage you to call Boston 311 directly.
Illegal Parking
Illegal parking—out of state license plate in resident only area. Please ticket!
CLOSED #101005294440Case Resolved. Vehicle was ticketed.
Illegal Parking
Constituent reports a commerical truck parked on the sidewalk at this location. | How is the car parked illegally: [Other] Make: [Unknown] Model: [Truck] Color: [White]
CLOSED #101005294439Case Noted. Thank you for reporting to 311. Boston Transportation actively patrols city streets and responds to as many parking enforcement related cases as possible. Should you need further assistance, we encourage you to call Boston 311 directly.
Illegal Parking
Illegal parking
CLOSED #101005294437Case Resolved. 2 Vehicles were ticketed.