Reports (9,789)
Pest Infestation - Residential
Rats in and around open garbage bins in back side yard.
CLOSED #101005902414Noted. Citation has been issued by code enforcement at this time.
Pest Infestation - Residential
I am the owner at 202 West 7th Street Unit 1 in South Boston. Our condo association and next door neighbors have been fighting against a rat infestation, hiring a professional pest control company to put down traps on a regular basis. The pest control company noticed that a resident at 53 F street (the abutting neighbor in the backyard) has a bird feeder that is a continuous source of food for the rats. Until this is removed, we won’t be able to resolve the presence of rats around our property. We would like assistance in having this removed.
CLOSED #101005901566Noted. Message has been left with constituent.
Pest Infestation - Residential
Rats in and out all day
CLOSED #101005900925Noted. Will monitor the area and contact the owners to get private pest control.
Pest Infestation - Residential
Const states there has been an infestation of roaches under his fridge for over 6 months. He keeps trying to clean his fridge and they keep coming back. Property management has done nothing. Requesting inspection | Occupants name and contact info: [Same as Caller] Type of insect or rodent: [Cockroaches]
CLOSED #101005900924Case Noted. Closed ~ AWW 2-5-2025.
Pest Infestation - Residential
CLOSED #101005900921Case Invalid. error.
Pest Infestation - Residential
CLOSED #101005900918Case Invalid. error.
Pest Infestation - Residential
CLOSED #101005900915Duplicate of Existing Case. 101005900924.
Pest Infestation - Residential
Rat burrows behind building by dumpster.
CLOSED #101005900336Noted. Isd will reach out to owners about inquiring pest control.
Pest Infestation - Residential
Rat sighting in back yards of 31 ,29, and 27 M Street also at 725 and 723 East second street , Old couch and garbage not being taken out on trash day at 27 M street and dog feces left in the yard at 29 M street and not disposed of right away could be some of the reasons why .
CLOSED #101005899645Noted. Message has been left with constituent.
Pest Infestation - Residential
Significant rat activity in abandoned trash attached to building of Sullivans Tavern
CLOSED #101005899002Case Noted.