Reports (1,736)

  • Request for Litter Basket Installation

    230 Shawmut Ave, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Constituent states that there are not enough litter baskets in Peters Park. Requets more be installed and the ones already there be emptied regularly. | Has a litter basket or barrel been at this location before: [Yes] Last time when the basket/barrel was there: [09/03/2024] Type of litter basket: [Standard Litter Basket]

    CLOSED #101005654883

    Resolved. We try and place barrels at the entrances and exits to each park. In the coming winter months it’s not possible to have interior barrels as there would be access to empty.

  • Request for Litter Basket Installation

    125 Union Park St, Roxbury, Ma, 02118

    Constituent states that there used to be 3 trash barrels in this park and they have been removed. Requests that they be reinstalled as people are throwing their animal waste bags on the ground. | Has a litter basket or barrel been at this location before: [Yes] Type of litter basket: [Standard Litter Basket]

    CLOSED #101005644196

    Resolved. Barrels have been replaced.

  • Request for Litter Basket Installation

    645 River St, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    Constituent states since the barrel at this location was removed there has been a large increase in illegally dumped trash and litter from bus riders at this address. States recently a young girl in the neighborhood cut her foot on a piece of glass at the bus stop; he believes that issues like this will continue to arise until the litter basket is replaced. Constituent previously submitted case #101005616784 but stated he either didn't recieve a message or the voicemail left for him was too quiet for him to hear. | Has a litter basket or barrel been at this location before: [Yes] Last time when the basket/barrel was there: [08/01/2023] Type of litter basket: [No Preference] Interested in the Adopt a Barrel program: [No]

    CLOSED #101005641035

    Noted. I called this number a few times, and nobody answered. The barrel was severely abused with commercial trash. Feel free to give me a call.

  • Request for Litter Basket Installation

    645 River St, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    CLOSED #101005640995

    Case Noted. This case has been closed as there is not enough information to process this request. If you feel this has been closed in error, please dial 311 to submit a new request. Sincerely, Boston 311 Team.

  • Request for Litter Basket Installation

    825 Cummins Hwy, Mattapan, Ma, 02126

    Constituent states the people getting off the bus stop are frequently throwing trash around his home and is requesting a trash barrel. He says he is happy to maintain. | Has a litter basket or barrel been at this location before: [No] Type of litter basket: [Standard Litter Basket] Interested in the Adopt a Barrel program: [Yes]

    CLOSED #101005629802

    Case Noted. There is an existing barrel at the corner of Rosewood. No additional installations at this location.

  • Request for Litter Basket Installation

    158 Marion St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    Constituent requesting an istallation of a big belly trash and recycling bins installed at this location please. There is a lot littering in the area and would like to try to prevent this. | Has a litter basket or barrel been at this location before: [No] Type of litter basket: [Standard Litter Basket] Interested in the Adopt a Barrel program: [No]

    CLOSED #101005629594

    Noted. The city is no longer purchasing Big Belly bins. There are two barrels at the corner of Marion St and Bennington St.

  • Request for Litter Basket Installation

    Intersection Of Franklin Hill Ave And Harvard St, Dorchester, Ma

    101005612147 requested barrel for neighborhood cleanup. Now requesting a second barrel at the other end of the block | Has a litter basket or barrel been at this location before: [No] Type of litter basket: [No Preference] Interested in the Adopt a Barrel program: [No]

    CLOSED #101005622618

    Noted. There will be no barrel installation at this time.

  • Request for Litter Basket Installation

    85 Allston St, Allston, Ma, 02134

    Per constituent via contact form on 07/27/24: "Could we please get some trash receptacles for Ringer Park in Allston. We would like to have some barrels near the Webly st. entrance, and one near the Allston st. enterance. They do not have to be at the entrance but rather farther into the prk to deter household trash being put in the barrels. Please there is a lot of litter that acumulates during the day. 6175718049" | Has a litter basket or barrel been at this location before: [Unknown] Type of litter basket: [Standard Litter Basket]

    CLOSED #101005614333

    Resolved. At this time the Parks department is not adding anymore barrels thank you.

  • Request for Litter Basket Installation

    Intersection Of Franklin Hill Ave And Harvard St, Dorchester, Ma

    Constituent states that they want a new litter basket installed for Keep Boston Beautiful event. | Has a litter basket or barrel been at this location before: [No] Last time when the basket/barrel was there: [08/06/2024] Type of litter basket: [No Preference] Interested in the Adopt a Barrel program: [No]

    CLOSED #101005612147

    Case Noted.

  • Request for Litter Basket Installation

    193 Maverick St, East Boston, Ma, 02128

    Constituent wants a larger trash bin because the current ones are trash spreads. | Has a litter basket or barrel been at this location before: [Yes] Type of litter basket: [Standard Litter Basket] Interested in the Adopt a Barrel program: [No]

    CLOSED #101005592117

    Case Resolved. The insert holds 33 gallons of trash. No additional changes are needed.



Ticket Type

  • Request for Litter Basket Installation (Remove)