Park Improvement Requests

42.35530534, -71.06354969

Constituent is part of a kids program funded by the city called Tenacity that is using the tennis court 2 in boston common and has seen a rat three times during the program events during the day. Constituent states there are kids in all over the court and the rat continues to come out and ran across the court. Constituent is requesting inspection and traps asap because they will be using the courts the rest of the summer. Case also made to ISD. | Type of improvement: [Other] Affiliation type: [Organization]


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    Case Noted | we will be out there first thing to smoke the boroughs if you have photos or a more descriptive narrative of where the rodents are, please share them with us. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to be an extra set of eyes and ears in the community. Thank you again for seeing and reporting it