Park Improvement Requests
- ID
- #101005097603
- Status
- Opened
- Closed
- Description
- Constituent states the park needs for safety nets for children 1-4 years old. The park now has an open design that allows free movement to a huge area and the gate access leads directly to busy Dorchester Avenue where anyone entering and exiting the area can leave the gate open giving children direct access to the street. Also eliminated were the bucket swings for little ones, and swings for disabled minors everything for children 0 to 2 years of age. The constituent is requesting more child friendly equipment and safety. | Type of improvement: [Play Equipment] Affiliation type: [Constituent]
Case Noted | The Boston Parks Department is planning park improvements for Doherty Gibson Playground. Your comments will be sent to the design team for this parks improvements. More info on Doherty Gibson Playground park improvements can be found at this link: