- ID
- #101001810073
- Status
- Opened
- Closed
- Description
- Bricks | The nature of the problem: [Caller states that sidewalk was damaged from construction work that was done on the street. requesting the curb and sidewalk is repaired.]
- Location
27 Newcroft Cir, Mattapan, Ma, 02126
42.27202, -71.08452
Case Resolved | Dear Constituent, The Boston Public Works Construction Inspection Unit (CIU) Inspector investigated and determined the following: The work you are referring to was performed by Eversource Electric. We have already notified them of their obligation to repair any sidewalk or repair any grass strips that was damaged during construction. The Eversource contact person is Carol Boyan. Carol can be reached at 339-987-7014. The CIU has added the location to its data base that tracks unacceptable utility work. The CIU will monitor the progress of the work. For any questions or concerns, please contact the number listed below Sincerely, Mark Cardarelli Supervisor of Utility Coordination and Compliance Boston Public Works Department 617-635-4951 Office