Reports (355)
Pigeon Infestation
CLOSED #101005097663Case Invalid. wrong form.
Pigeon Infestation
What is the nature of the problem: [Const. states that resident at the service location feeds a ton of birds in the neighborhood, sometimes 50+ at a time. Feeding causes the birds to swarm the neighborhood pooping everywhere. Scraps leftover are increasing rat activity as well.]
CLOSED #101005055718Noted. Upon inspection of the property found tons of pigeons on the roof of the property. Talked to the people in the house and told them to stop feeding the pigeons. If you have any questions please contact the inspector at
Pigeon Infestation
What is the nature of the problem: [Const. states excessive bird activity in the tree pressing against the house is causing loud noise, bad smells from feces, droppings everywhere, and feathers flying in the house.]
CLOSED #101005037465Resolved. We do not handle pigeons
Pigeon Infestation
The owner of La Gala Hair Group (78 Essex St) dumps bird seed on the corner of Oxford & Essex across the street from his salon several times a day. This results in an infestation of pigeons so thick that it stops pedestrian traffic & worsens the already severe rat problem in the adjacent empty building. He maintains this is legal but I am not certain if that. |
OPEN #101005026071 -
Pigeon Infestation
Roofing and gutters are diminshed, pigeons and other rodents are living there causing dead pigeons to die in street and other rodents to eat on them |
OPEN #101004977380 -
Pigeon Infestation
What is the nature of the problem: [Constituent reports this property has a pigeon infestation on it's roof, they own a neighboring property and the pigeons are negatively impacting their quality of life with droppings and feathers.]
CLOSED #101004891014Noted. No rodent issue.
Pigeon Infestation
What is the nature of the problem: [pigeon infestation]
OPEN #101004878977 -
Pigeon Infestation
What is the nature of the problem: [Constituent states that conversations have been had regarding a bird feeder in the back yard. It is attracting birds, pigeons and many other rodents. There are nearby properties that are concerned about the increased amount of feces on their property and dead animals in gutters and on property. Increased rodent activity and the overall health issue that is now effecting their quality of life and inability to enjoy their own property. Requesting an inspector to resolve the issue.]
CLOSED #101004860785Noted. Inspection check the property grounds found no rat burrow holes or rat activity.
Pigeon Infestation
CLOSED #101004860782Case Invalid. Wrong Address.