Reports (2,676,951)
Fix bathroom baseboard heater not working right- the living room thermostat changed from manual to automatic and change the filter
CLOSED #101005901168Case Invalid. There is not enough information to process this request. Please call 3-1-1 directly. Thank you .
Poor Conditions of Property
Other | Details: [Constituent states the trash barrels are overflowing and have not been taken out in a couple weeks. Constituent is requesting inspection.] Exact location: [side of 34 bowdoin st]
CLOSED #101005901166Resolved. Citation issued for improper storage of trash.
Rodent Activity
Multiple rats visible running through this playground of garbage. Perhaps CVS can clean up their act before someone is bitten by a rabid rodent.
CLOSED #101005901163Noted. I spoke with Joe the store manager. They will clean up dumpster area and they have pest control on-site. Re-inspection in 7days.
Illegal Parking
Parked in front of fire hydrant
CLOSED #101005901164Case Resolved. The vehicles in violation have been moved.
Dead Animal Pickup
public alley behind building | Dead animal on sidewalk/roadway: [Other] Type of animal: [Rodent] Please explain: [Constituetn states dead rat in alley behind building] Date when animal seen: [02/04/2025] Time when animal seen: [18:10]
CLOSED #101005901161Noted. Nothing found, need better location.
Street light out in front of 284 Shawmut
OPEN #101005901159 -
Dead rat and trash alley behind 877 beacon. Buildings managed by SCS Property and Elite Services. Twice a week the same thing with the trash!
CLOSED #101005901154Noted. Citation has been issued at location. Trasg has been sent to DPW for removal.
Broken Sidewalk
Many big and tall cracks in sidewalk. It is difficult to walk over and potentially impossible to go over for someone in a wheelchair.
OPEN #101005901153 -
Requests for Street Cleaning
Trash to be picked up
CLOSED #101005901152Resolved.